- Recent academic publications
- Recent academic presentations
- Recent invited talks and plenary/keynote lectures
File, K. (2018). “You’re Manchester United manager, you can’t say things like that”: Impression management and identity performance by professional football managers in the media. Journal of Pragmatics, 127, 56–70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2018.01.001
File, K. A. (2018). Genre Theory. In B. Vine (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language in the Workplace (pp. 112–124). New York: Routledge.
File, K. A. (2017). “I Didn”t Know You Were Allowed Two Goalkeepers’: How Football Managers Negotiate Invitations to Criticise Referees in the Media. In D. Caldwell, J. Walsh, E. W. Vine, & J. Jureidini (Eds.), The discourse of sport: analyses from social linguistics (pp. 71–91). New York: Routledge.
File, K. A. (2017). “That was a bit daft though, wasn”t it?’ Strategic use of impoliteness in a post-match interview. In A. Bczkowska (Ed.), Impoliteness in media discourse (pp. 107–125). Frankfurt am Main: New York, NY : Peter Lang Edition.
File, K. A., & Wilson, N. (2017). Adapting self for private and public audiences: The enactment of leadership identity by New Zealand rugby coaches in huddles and interviews. In D. Van De Mieroop & S. Schnurr (Eds.), Identity Struggles. Evidence from Workplaces around the World (pp. 317–333). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Wolfers, S., File, K. A., & Schnurr, S. (2017). “Just because he’s black”: Identity construction and racial humour in a German U-19 football team. Journal of Pragmatics, 112, 83–96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2017.02.003
File, K. A. (2015) The strategic enactment of a media identity by professional team sports players. Discourse & Communication, 9(4), 1-24.
File, K. A. (2012) Post-match interviews in New Zealand rugby: A conciliatory media interview genre. New Zealand English Journal, 26(1), 1-22.
File, K. A. (submission under review) “You must be disappointed with the loss tonight” – Whose insights are we getting in post-match media interviews? In M. Klugman, C. Symons and B. McDonald (eds). The Worlds of Football: Triumphs, Trials and Traumas, Melbourne, Maribyrnong Press.
File, K. A. (2017a, April). You’re Manchester United Manager, you can’t say things like that’: Exploring the influence of club culture on the discursive construction of self by football managers. Conference presentation presented at the iMean, Bristol; United Kingdom.
File, K. A. (2017b, June). Interviewer alignment strategies by German and English post-match media interviewers: A contrastive analysis. Invited talk presented at the International Workshop: Linguistic Perspectives on the Mediatisation of Sport., Siegen; Germany.
File, K. A. (2013) The strategic performance of a ‘media identity’ in the post-match interview genre. Presented at The i-Mean Identity and Language Conference (University of Western England, 18–20 April, 2013).
File, K. A. (2011) Talking about experiences: Lexicogrammatical patterns of the post-match media interview genre. Presented at Linguistics Society of New Zealand 19th Biennial Conferenc (Victoria University of Wellington, 17–18 November, 2011).
File, K. A. (2011) The art of crafting post-match media interview questions. Presented at the Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) Conference (Cardiff University, Cardiff, June 23–24, 2011).
File, K. A. (2011) Asking questions in post-match media interviews: evaluating the role of the interviewer. Presented at Language in the Media (University of Limerick, Limerick, June 6–8, 2011).
File, K. A. (2010) It’s easier just to agree: Question and answer sequences in post-match media interviews. Presented at The 7th Australasian Symposium on Conversation Analysis and Membership Categorisation Analysis (Victoria University of Wellington, 24–25 November, 2010).
File, K. A. (2010) Language patterns in sports post-match media interviews: some initial findings. Presented at the12th New Zealand Language and Society Conference (Auckland University of Technology, November 22–23, 2010).
File, K. A. (2010) “Full credit to the opposition” Analysing the language of post-match interviews – some preliminary findings. Presented at Worlds of Football Conference (Victoria University of Melbourne, 27–28 September, 2010).
File, K. A. (2010) Breaking the rules of the post-match media interview: not playing the media game. Presentation given to the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Victoria University of Wellington, 25 March, 2011).
File, K. A. (2018, March). How can a linguist help unpack established communication practices in sports teams? Invited talk presented at the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
File, K. A. (2018, January). Is a coach’s power a useful tool or a barrier to effective coaching? Invited talk presented at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria.
File, K. A. (2017, December). Constructing inclusive team cultures in professional sports teams: the issue of a coach’s power. Plenary talk given at the Network Assembly of the Translation and Translanguaging Group (TLang). Cardiff; Wales.